We had two more calm days at the Bluff before a rumor began to spread around camp that a big swell was on the way. We had swum with turtles, ridden up sand dunes, and the fishing had been great. We used up a whole bottle of soy sauce just on sushi alone...
On the fourth morning we awoke to long sweeping lines on the horizon. It was here. We suited up and headed out to the point, the girls tagging along behind us. With a light breeze at our backs we launched ourselves into the keyhole at the base of the cliff and paddled out.
The best surf ever…
The Bluff is known to be a super heavy left hander. This morning it was about four foot and rising, just the way I wanted it until I got used to the take off. It was one of the steepest take offs I've ever experienced. This was immediately followed by a thick pitching lip that always threatened to throw you headlong into the reef. About every third wave was barreling, racing along the reef and then out into a deeper channel section.
Almost everyone at camp was out. All except those with hangovers. No Localism here, everyone was from out of town. We hooted and encouraged each other on every take off, whooping in delight as each surfer made the drop. MAGIC! Vegemite came screaming down the face, the lip struck his shoulder but he shrugged it off, maintaining his balance as the wave pitched forward, I yelled out to him as he shot past me, HAAAPENNNING!!! I looked back at the rear of the wave and saw him appear briefly as he shot up the face, snapping his board back down in an arching spray of clear water. We surfed all day only stopping briefly for lunch...
At five o’clock I finally came in, exhausted but pumped. Six foot sets had been frequent, about the limit of my ability, but I was totally satisfied and ready for another day. As I stepped off the stony flat rock ledge and onto the beach sand I noticed a fisherman with a red hat. He had pulled a 1.5 meter reef shark onto the beach and a few people were standing around looking at it. It flipped and twitched, sweeping its tail as it tried to get back in the water...
"Many of those about?" I queried, as he looked up at me. "Channel is full of them" he said...
I’m as guilty as anybody. While surfers are naturally in tune with the rhythms of nature and its cycles, back then nobody really gave much thought as to the full effects of climate change. We did what we liked, totally ignorant as to the effects that our daily lives were having on the planet. Who Knew? Scientists for sure, and some nerds.
These deep thinkers could see the truth that none of us could. Its ironic to think that climate change will now make big swells more frequent. But what a cost! Eroded coast lines, sinking beachside suburbs, burnt cities, flooded towns…
Going with the flow will become more important than ever, how will we cope?
Perhaps we will all have to become nomadic once more, living in camper vans and mobile homes and shifting as the circumstances dictate, flowing with the rhythms of nature just like the ancient tribes of so long ago. Those humans were not stupid either. In many, many ways it is very foolish to think that you can just live in one place forever without also considering its disastrous possibilities. But we do just that. People have been being caught out on this for centuries.
Buddhism teaches us that all life is impermanent. This is the law that nature has now begun to impose on us and will continue to do so with increasing force.
The very nature of a wave is a perfect example of impermanence. Its there, and then its gone. Then another, different this time, then gone without a trace. Its a constant manifestation and then a withdrawal. This law has always been there but now we cant ignore it. Nothing stays the same. All things must come to an end so that new things can emerge.
Even us.
Next Post: Tombstones
またとないこのチャンスに、キャンプにいた人々のほとんどが海に出ていた。二日酔いの奴らを除いてw そこに居合わせたのは町の外から来た人達で、ありがたいことにローカリズムは全く存在しない空間だった。お互いを鼓舞しあって、ドロップを成功させるごとに大きな歓声が上がった。マジック!ベジマイトが大声を上げながら波の表面をスライドしていると、リップが思いきり彼の肩をめがけて襲い掛かってきた。彼はそれを上手くかわして、目の前を通過するタイミングで俺は「ハプニング!!!」と彼に声をかけた。勢いよく通り過ぎた彼を波越しに目で追うと、扇型の水飛沫を上げる彼のボードが目に入った。その後も波を乗り回し、昼食以外は休憩を挟むことなく没頭した。
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