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From Perth, Western Australia-to Mt Fuji, Japan
西オーストラリア, パースから富士山へ
“ラティー“ ロブのサーフ
A boardriders fortnightly journal2週間に一度更新
Click the button below to go to the beginning of the blog “RATTY” ROB’S SURFING ADVENTURE.
Don’t stand at the dock of the bay, wasting time...
Seize your Dreams, then Jump!
It takes great courage to fulfill an idea, and grit to complete it. Who knows where life will lead us if we just have a little faith and take the leap out into the great unknown. The pioneers of days gone by had the right spirit. They knew how to take risks and beat the odds, they bent this illusion we call life to their own will and they won.
The world, more than ever needs more people like that. If you are one of them I wish you well! Stand tall and forge ahead! Make the planet a better place. Live your dream...
Stay tuned to next fortnights new series, “STIX” the story of how "Ratty Rob" met some of the Worlds most famous Surfing identities, as he struggled to turn his Surfing Ideas into a thriving business venture...
アイデアを実現するには最初に一歩を踏み出す勇気が必要で、それを完走するには気概が必要です。 ほんの少しの信念を持って、偉大な未知の世界に飛び出したら、人生が私たちをどこへ導くかは誰も知る由はないのです。 過去に名声を博した先駆者たちは、リスクを冒してもまず飛び込むという理想的な精神を持っていました。その先駆者たちは可能性を打ち破る方法を知っており、私たちが人生と呼んでいるこの幻想を自分の意志で打ち破り、勝利しました。
現代の世界は、これまで以上にそのような人々を必要としているのです。もしも、これを読んでいる貴方がその一人なら、私はエールを送ります! 背筋を伸ばして突き進んで! 地球をより良い場所にしてください。 そして何よりもあなたの夢を生きてください…
次回からは新シリーズ「STIX」にご期待ください(基本的には2週間おきに更新予定です)。「ラティー ロブ」がサーフィンにまつわるアイデアをビジネスベンチャーへと変貌させる途中で刺激を受けた、世界的に有名なサーフアイデンティティの猛者たちとの出会いのお話です。
We got almost all our money back.
The bus had other things wrong with it. The front left shock absorber was completely useless and the whole vehicle, needed about two thousand dollars worth of work on it. Fortunately Vegemite managed to eventually find the brake reservoir, and when he topped it up the brakes worked like a dream. Almost.
After a few more days on the farm Vegemite headed back into town and parked the bus outside a friends house. Grunt lived on Mark street, the white "FOR SALE" signs painted on the windows stood out like sore thumbs...
A few days later a guy, of about 50, walked in off the street and knocked on the door of the bus. Vegemite was inside and invited him in. He loved it. "Do you want to take her for a drive?" "Nah, goes alright doesn’t it?" "Sure" said Vegemite with a grin, recalling his latest incident. "How much?" said the man "Ten thousand, five hundred..." "Will you take ten for cash?" BINGO!
The man returned the next day with a big wad of notes and then drove off with Vegemite grinning and waving him good bye...
The bus had originally cost us $2,500 and we had spent $5000 on it. The fuel for the main part of the trip had cost a total of $4000, which was $1000 each. The bus sold for $10,000. That essentially meant that our whole adventure, everything we had done with the bus, everything that we had experienced to that point had almost come for FREE. We had broken even...
When a young person is faced with the prospect of risk for reward what should he (or she) do? Well, it depends on their culture. People who take very little risk generally end up with little reward because risk and reward are balanced.
But you can narrow the odds. Firstly, choose an area that you are at least partially familiar with. Risk obviously increases the less you know about it. In our case we had planed it well. Although Bazza was a good friend we had invited him to come with us because we knew he was a mechanic. Because the idea of needing engine parts along the way was likely we choose a common vehicle type so that there would be plenty available. Also as it was an old bus so we were weary about spending too much on it. Just those three Key decisions, mixed with persistence, determined the outcome, a trip of a lifetime at virtually no cost.
I cant speak for the other three guys, but that wild gamble, would prove to shape all my future decision making ,and indeed, my life.
There are certainly no regrets…
Next Post: Epilogue
このブログで再三登場しているこのバスには他にも問題が山積みだった。左フロントのショックアブソーバーは完全に役に立たず、車両全体で約 2000 ドル相当の修繕が必要だった。幸いなことに、ベジマイトがブレーキリザーバーを見つけることができ、それを補充すると、ブレーキは不思議と機能した。ほぼほぼ
農場でさらに数日過ごした後、ベジマイトは町に戻り、友人の家の外にバスを停めた。グラントはマークストリートに住んでいて、バスの窓に塗られた白い「FOR SALE」の文字が看板の様に目立っていた...
数日後、50 歳くらいの男性が突然現れ、バスのドアをノックしました。ちょうどベジマイトが中にいたため、彼を招き入れた。彼はバスをとても気に入った様だった。
男性「 いくら?」
以前のブログにも詳細があるが、バスは当初 2,500 ドルで購入し、修繕に5,000 ドルを費やした。旅行の燃料費は合計 4000 ドルで一人頭1000 ドルだった。そしてバスは10,000ドルで売れた。つまり、バスと出会ったあの瞬間から紆余曲折のこの旅の出費や経験が全て無料になったも同然だった!
若い人が報酬を得るために危険にさらされる場面に直面したとき、彼 (または彼女) は何をすべきでしょうか?
しかし、リスクの確率を下げることはできます。まず、少なくとも部分的に精通している分野を選択すること。リスクは、未知の分野に挑戦するほど増加します。私たちを例にとってみると、旅の人材起用がとても上手かったとおもいます。 Bazza は元々良い友人でしたが、彼が整備士であることを知っていたので、一緒に来るように誘いました。途中でエンジン部品が必要になる可能性が高いため、流通量の多い車両タイプを選択して、十分に対応できるようにしました。また、古いバスだったので、お金をかけすぎない方法を常に脳の片隅に置いていました。これら 3 つの重要な判断と、粘り強さの組み合わせがほぼ無料の旅をもたらしてくれました。
他の 3 人の男について話すことはできませんが、そのワイルドなギャンブルは、私の将来のすべての意思決定、そして実際に私の人生を形作ることとなりました。
次の投稿: エピローグ
At last we had a bit of money, enough for fuel and a bit to spare. We drove the eight hundred and thirty five kilometers up to Broom while the girls stayed on at Karratha. I remember seeing camels on Cable Beach and having another run in with some locals at the pub. Eventful places...
No luck. With the last of my money, I booked the next bus back to Perth with "Bus Australia" and headed home. Vegemite also did an about face as he too headed back in the direction of Perth. We were disappointed, our final plan to sell the bus had failed...
On the way back down to Perth, sits the windy town of Geralton, a fishing and farming community with a population, in 1987, of about twenty thousand. Geralton is the biggest town North of Perth and sits about four hundred and twenty five kilometers away from the capital.
On his way back down Vegemite stopped there for a while, and, with one last throw of the dice, he once more advertised the bus for sale.
There was an advertisement in the "Geralton News" from a local farmer looking for people to help him stack hay. Vegemite called him from a phone box next to the news agency. "Come on over mate, we start after lunch" said the farmer...
After a quick hamburger Vegemite headed over. They spent two days removing hay from one shed and stacking it into a bigger one. It was hard itchy work but the pay was decent. On the third day Vegemite jumped in the bus to move it under the shade. CRUNCH!!! As he struck a thick over hanging tree branch the front ladder and sundeck collapsed in on itself and went in through the fiberglass roof at the top front of the bus...
Borrowing the farmers tools to remove the roof rack, he struck a deal with the farmer who said he was pleased to keep the metal frame for scrap. It had been an awesome sun deck and we had spent many an hour up there sinking beers and watching sunsets in our deckchairs. He went into town and bought a fiberglass repair kit from the local surf shop to fix the damage...
On the way back to the farm he was coming down a steep hill. At the bottom there was a "T" Junction with traffic lights and beyond this a railway line and then the ocean...
Now the brakes on the bus had never been good. This was mainly due to the fact that we had never actually been able to find the break fluid reservoir and by now they were bone dry...
Vegemite careered down the hill, pumping and standing on the brakes as the bus picked up speed. Forty five kph. He tried changing down a gear but ended up in neutral, the gears grinding as he tried to force it into third. Fifty now. The T Junction was looming closer, cars whizzing passed on the busy road as they crossed in front of him. The traffic lights facing him were RED...
There was no stopping the bus, If he went straight ahead and crossed the railway line he would end up in the ocean... he took the corner of the T junction at almost sixty kph, narrowly missing an on coming car, the bus lurching violently as she made the wide turn, across the road, nearly on two wheels, before slowing in the thick grass on the far side. A car honked loudly as Vegemite let out a sigh of relief.
He stuck it in first and continued on out to the farm...
A mind without a plan is like a bus careering down hill without any brakes. If you don’t know where your going you can end up, well, anywhere.
For me, Buddhism and Surfing is the plan that is not a plan. By this I mean that Its actually OK to end up anywhere, just so long as the state of your mind is fully operational so that you feel happy. When we are unhappy it is because we are not fully in the flow. Something gets blocked, the mind becomes confused, not functioning freely as it should. This lack of flow should certainly be cause for concern, and the first thing we need to do is admit it to ourselves. When things are not working, we need to look inward for the answer, not outside. The outside is always just a reflection of the inside.
The Buddhist art of unminding or “No Mind” is the art of unblocking by putting all concepts aside and starting each moment afresh. At some stage we all need to do this.
Totally recommended…(just ask any small child)
Next Post: BINGO!
As Hot as Hell…
We spent a few days at Exmouth, killing flies and walking out on the reef at low tide. By the time we got up to Karratha we were almost out of money. There were a lot of young people up there looking for work on the Burrup Peninsula Gas Project. Jobs were high paying but difficult to land, unless you knew a friend of a friend... which we didn’t. Money was flying about and there were lots of parties.
Although it was winter it was hot in Karratha. Mid thirties. In the air-conditioned shopping complex there was a raffle for a Harley Davidson motorbike, at least worth thirty grand. I brought a few tickets. A radio announcer, Lionel York, from Perth interviewed me live and asked me what I would do if I won it. "Sell it and put the money in the bank" I replied. "Mars Bars", a chocolate confection, also had a "Willy Wonka" like competition running. I bought heaps of them until I could eat no more...STUPID.
We washed the bus, cleaned it up until it sparkled, and then painted "FOR SALE" on every side. Then we parked it in the very center of town and we waited...
Eventually I did find a job. It was making cement railway sleepers at a construction yard about thirty kilometers South of the town. My job was to use a machine to cut the steel reinforcing wire that went inside each one. It was laborious, grueling work and difficult in the stifling heat.
One guys job was to dig up the gravel with a front end loader and run it out of the deep pit up to the loading ramps where it would be turned into concrete. One day he took his big machine too close to the edge of the pit and the whole thing toppled in. He was flown to a hospital in Perth but I ended up leaving that job before I found out what happened to him...the bus never sold.
When the Surfers aren’t surfing their usually trying to find another way to stay stoked. In many cases they will do whatever it takes to find a substitute thrill. No matter how stupid it is, no matter what the cost.
At least that was true in Australia back then. Now that surfing is fully mainstream (in Australia) most surfers aren’t quite so radical. What really sucks though is being totally desperate for money. When you have none, and your trying to survive on breadcrumbs and stale red wine, it may seem as if the whole world is against you. You become open to suggestion for anything…
Don't be stupid.
As I’ve said in previous posts, its moments like this that define us. You will get through this. You will survive… and when you look back on what you went through you will be proud, or at least secure in the knowledge that you passed this test.
Subdue the mind. Breathe. Connect with source. Be grateful for small things.
You don’t need money to feel connected.
There are no prizes for doing stupid things when you are desperate.
No Separation.
Next Post: Geraldton
その後俺たちはバスを洗車して、車体がピカピカになるまで磨き上げて、側面にFOR SALE(売り物)とデカデカと書いた。そしてそのバスを街の中心に駐車して購入希望者が現れるのをひたすら待つことにしたのだ…
ノー セパレーション
The next day we decided on a change of scenery, we pulled up stumps and took the bus up the sandy desert track a few Kilometers further North to Tombstones.
The swell had increased and was striking the Ningaloo reef with ferocity. The tide was mid to high, six foot sets with frequent eight footers were marching in. Offshore. IT WAS NOW OR NEVER. The paddle out was very long, perhaps the longest I’ve ever experienced, but the channel meant that you could avoid the worst of it on your journey out the back. I had my other board, a semi gun, an old, beaten up stick that Id had for ages. As usual, Vegemite had paddled out in front of me and was the first to catch a wave. Six foot, clean, a long glassy, left hand wall of water opening up before him as he made the drop. THIS PLACE WAS PUMPING!
Getting hit by 8 ft sets was frequent!
I caught a few, but there always seemed to be someone else screaming down the line on the inside. Super advanced surfers who had this break totally wired. "Oie!!!" ("off my wave!!!") It was hard to make the drop on a board with so little rocker in the nose and I went over the falls on quite a few occasions, the eight foot sets pinning me under as I got caught on the inside. After a few hours I’d had enough and came in.
Both Red Bluff and Tombstones had remained almost totally secret surf breaks for many years. Known only to Western Australian surfers and a very lucky handful of others, it remained that way until word gradually spread and the onset of the internet made it world famous. In 1987 the internet was yet to come and surf mags only ever hinted at this magical place, never divulging the exact location or giving any directions on how to get there. How times have changed...
We spent two days at Tombstones and then took the bus back to Red Bluff for another week. I really enjoyed it there, the atmosphere, the surf and the incredible sunsets, lighting up the Bluff until it glowed like a red hot furnace...
As its name suggests “Tombstones,” when its really pumping, can bring forth some truly death defying moments. Back then, out there in the desert, help was absolutely many miles away. As the risks have been reasonably high, the Western Australian Government finaly decided to do something about it, and in 2008, just outside the Gnarloo leased Area, a small airstrip was finally upgraded . Still though, there are no regular flights, and it is only used for the Royal Flying Doctor service. At least this is something.
They say that “a man who truly lives, must be ready to die at any time.”
Buddhism suggests that we can transform our fear of death by understanding that the idea of birth and death are both just concepts that we have grown used to. We have accepted, without deeper consideration, that life begins in the womb and ends when our body dies.
We are impermanent, just like a wave, but is a wave actually born? and does it actually die? The real nature of a wave is not its shape or size, its water. Obviously that does not change before or after the wave has come and gone, The water is still there, only a transformation has taken place via energy. Could this not be true of us too? Is it not true that we are made up of water and energy?
Back to school Kids! Biology 101 is now in session…
Next Post: Karratha
俺もいくつか波をキャッチしたが、必ずといっていいほど誰かの叫び声が聞こえた。このブレークを知り尽くしている超上級者が「Oie!!!(オフ マイ ウェイブ!!!)」と叫ぶのだ。俺が使っていたボードはロッカーが小さすぎて、それがここの波でうまくドロップするのを妨げていた。何度かオーバーザフォールしてしまい、インサイドにトラップされてしまうことを繰り返した。それでも数時間挑戦し続けたが、最終的にはプルアウトせざるを得なかった。
We had two more calm days at the Bluff before a rumor began to spread around camp that a big swell was on the way. We had swum with turtles, ridden up sand dunes, and the fishing had been great. We used up a whole bottle of soy sauce just on sushi alone...
On the fourth morning we awoke to long sweeping lines on the horizon. It was here. We suited up and headed out to the point, the girls tagging along behind us. With a light breeze at our backs we launched ourselves into the keyhole at the base of the cliff and paddled out.
The best surf ever…
The Bluff is known to be a super heavy left hander. This morning it was about four foot and rising, just the way I wanted it until I got used to the take off. It was one of the steepest take offs I've ever experienced. This was immediately followed by a thick pitching lip that always threatened to throw you headlong into the reef. About every third wave was barreling, racing along the reef and then out into a deeper channel section.
Almost everyone at camp was out. All except those with hangovers. No Localism here, everyone was from out of town. We hooted and encouraged each other on every take off, whooping in delight as each surfer made the drop. MAGIC! Vegemite came screaming down the face, the lip struck his shoulder but he shrugged it off, maintaining his balance as the wave pitched forward, I yelled out to him as he shot past me, HAAAPENNNING!!! I looked back at the rear of the wave and saw him appear briefly as he shot up the face, snapping his board back down in an arching spray of clear water. We surfed all day only stopping briefly for lunch...
At five o’clock I finally came in, exhausted but pumped. Six foot sets had been frequent, about the limit of my ability, but I was totally satisfied and ready for another day. As I stepped off the stony flat rock ledge and onto the beach sand I noticed a fisherman with a red hat. He had pulled a 1.5 meter reef shark onto the beach and a few people were standing around looking at it. It flipped and twitched, sweeping its tail as it tried to get back in the water...
"Many of those about?" I queried, as he looked up at me. "Channel is full of them" he said...
I’m as guilty as anybody. While surfers are naturally in tune with the rhythms of nature and its cycles, back then nobody really gave much thought as to the full effects of climate change. We did what we liked, totally ignorant as to the effects that our daily lives were having on the planet. Who Knew? Scientists for sure, and some nerds.
These deep thinkers could see the truth that none of us could. Its ironic to think that climate change will now make big swells more frequent. But what a cost! Eroded coast lines, sinking beachside suburbs, burnt cities, flooded towns…
Going with the flow will become more important than ever, how will we cope?
Perhaps we will all have to become nomadic once more, living in camper vans and mobile homes and shifting as the circumstances dictate, flowing with the rhythms of nature just like the ancient tribes of so long ago. Those humans were not stupid either. In many, many ways it is very foolish to think that you can just live in one place forever without also considering its disastrous possibilities. But we do just that. People have been being caught out on this for centuries.
Buddhism teaches us that all life is impermanent. This is the law that nature has now begun to impose on us and will continue to do so with increasing force.
The very nature of a wave is a perfect example of impermanence. Its there, and then its gone. Then another, different this time, then gone without a trace. Its a constant manifestation and then a withdrawal. This law has always been there but now we cant ignore it. Nothing stays the same. All things must come to an end so that new things can emerge.
Even us.
Next Post: Tombstones
またとないこのチャンスに、キャンプにいた人々のほとんどが海に出ていた。二日酔いの奴らを除いてw そこに居合わせたのは町の外から来た人達で、ありがたいことにローカリズムは全く存在しない空間だった。お互いを鼓舞しあって、ドロップを成功させるごとに大きな歓声が上がった。マジック!ベジマイトが大声を上げながら波の表面をスライドしていると、リップが思いきり彼の肩をめがけて襲い掛かってきた。彼はそれを上手くかわして、目の前を通過するタイミングで俺は「ハプニング!!!」と彼に声をかけた。勢いよく通り過ぎた彼を波越しに目で追うと、扇型の水飛沫を上げる彼のボードが目に入った。その後も波を乗り回し、昼食以外は休憩を挟むことなく没頭した。
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Red Bluff, Western Australia
In the morning we had a quick breakfast and then followed the North West Coastal Highway twenty four Km North of Canarvon before taking the turn off to the Blow Holes. The way was sealed for fifty kilometers and then turned into a dirt road. "KING WAVES KILL" read the road sign by the rock edge, a warning that although the coast seemed serene, the hidden swell could be deadly and dangerous. Many unsuspecting people had been swept off the rocks here, never to return...
We watched the water shooting up through the hole in the flat rock as the swell punched through it, spraying water high into the air, then once more we headed North, following the dusty coast road for about 10kms before we reached the homestead of Quobba Station. From here we travelled along a bumpy white sandy track...
I carefully maneuvered the bus through the semi soft sand, not so soft that we were likely to get bogged, however it was patchy in some spots with alternating areas of soft and hard gravel. The top safe speed that you can do on this track was about fifty kph back then, we were currently doing about thirty...
Suddenly, three emu's came from nowhere, sprinting alongside the bus through the low scrub they dropped down onto the track in front of us, their long legs throwing up the white sand as they ran. They stayed in front of us for a few minutes before veering away back into the scrub. "Could have had BBQ'd emu for lunch" said Vegemite as he settled back down into the front passengers seat.
The fifty four kilometers out to Red Bluff took us about an hour and twenty minutes. After we arrived (and paid our $15 per head at the makeshift office) the desert vista opened out to a brilliant turquoise sea. The Bluff stuck out prominently off the point, red dotted with the dark green blobs of salt bush, its base forming a flat ,low lying, cliff edge which jutted out into the ocean.
The swell was minimal. We parked the bus high on the hill, not far from one of the many thatched pit toilets that had been strategically placed around the camp zone. The view was INCREDIBLE! We had a fire pit, all to ourselves, out of the wind on the hill side of the vehicle.
While the girls prepared lunch, Vegemite and I took some rope and the bike back up to the plateau to collected fire wood. Once we had collected enough, we bundled it all together behind the bike and dragged it along the sandy track back to the bus. Lunch was ready, the esky was full of ice and beer, and we were all set for our first night... BLISS!
Its interesting how the sexes balance each other out. The atmosphere was completely different with the girls. Not only had the dynamics of self sufficiency changed, but our rough ways of relating with each other as young men also mellowed. Couples found their own private time away from the group and things where, on the whole, much more civil. It was a different trip, but non the less a fun one.
Any desert, like a mundane view of life, can seem like a forbidding place. But just like a desert, beyond the seen- that shimmering illusion of heat, is a kind of wonder that can blow your mind and change your life.
Illusions are tricky things. They only work as illusions if you think you know what’s there, which for many people is nothing much. We can see, but only to a point. We can only see the surface.
Buddhism calls this surface view of things “Sign.” I like to think of it as natures “Misdirected Sign” a trick, that points us in the opposite direction, just like a local surfer who doesn’t want you to discover his favorite break.
Everything has its own (Misdirected) “Sign”. A flower, a pen, a rock, all the things of everyday life. Seeing beyond sign requires understanding the deeper nature of what you are looking at, penetrating, beyond its surface, with thought and not just the eyes. Seeing what’s beyond the surface with your mind.
The starting point comes back to re-evaluating the importance of wonder, that which is reflected in the mind of any small child. That also which is conveyed in the surfing term “Stoked!” This term originated from the concept of “stoking a fire,” the action of stirring its embers to create more heat and thereby releasing more energy. Wonder does that. Surfers are stoked when they get an awesome wave, or pull into the beach car park to find it with light off shore winds, five foot waves, and nobody out.
It is wonder about what your life really is, when you ignore what you see thereby stoking the fire of your mind to new discoveries.
Taking things (and life) for granted, sucks!
Next Post: The Big Swell!
50kmにわたって道は良好な状態だったが、その後運転し辛い未舗装の道路に変わってしまい、「KING WAVES KILL(キング ウェイブ キル)」と書かれた看板が見えてきた。一見海岸が穏やかに見えても、隠れたうねりが時に致命的で危険な場所であるという警告だ。そうとも知ずに挑戦した多くの人々がここの岩からさらわれ、二度と帰らないことも多々あるのだ...
平らな岩の穴から水が噴き出し、うねりが空中に吹きあげられるのをしばし見て、もう一度北へバスを走らせた。ほこりっぽい海岸道路を約10 km進んだ後、クオバステーションの本拠地に到着した。 ここからはでこぼこの白い砂の道を通過しなければならなかった...
女の子たちが昼食を準備している間、ベジマイトと私はロープを持って自転車で高原に薪集めに出た。十分に集めたところでそれを自転車の後ろにまとめて、砂の道に沿ってバスに戻った。昼食の準備もできて、Esky(クーラボックス)は氷とビールでいっぱいだった。そんな状況で俺たち4人は初めての夜を迎えたのだった... BLISS!
We crossed the Nullarbor once more, this time without incident, and arrived gratefully back home in Perth to the welcoming arms of family and friends. It had been an AWESOME TRIP, but the best was yet to come...
Perth City Skyline
We stayed in Perth a while, earning money for the next leg of the trip which would take us up North, towards Kalbarri and Carnarvon. Our plan was to take the bus to Karratha, a wealthy mining town, that was a further six hundred and forty kilometers up the road, and try and sell it there. Along the way we would also camp at Red Bluff, one of the most secretly remote big wave surfing breaks in the world. (At the time)
About three months later, in winter, we took off once more with a slightly different crew. Vegemite and I stayed on and this time we took some girls. My girlfriend and her friend had heard all about our previous adventures and were very keen to tag along. We were all excited. Northern Western Australia in winter often produced awesome swells, fine weather, and perfect offshore conditions. Just the place we wanted to be.
Our first stop was at Kalbarri, 570 kms up the road. Jakes is a perfect left hand surf break, 3ks out of town, which comes in deep off a gnarly reef. Getting in and out is not as hard as it first looks but jumping off the shelf can sometimes be like a game of Russian roulette. In winter, the only time to go, a powerful swell comes straight in off the Indian Ocean, forcing the barrel at speed down the 200+ meters of reef edge, it encourages down the line speed but does not allow much room for maneuvers.
On the day we got there it was a glassy four foot, a light off shore breeze fanning our backs as we paddled out. It was sucking out deep on the inside and there were a few other guys in the water. As soon as I got out the back I sat upright on my board and waited for the next set to roll in. Suddenly a dark shape swam right across the back of my board! My heart was pounding, but I soon realized that it was a seal as it poked its head up out of the water and twitched its long white whiskers at me.
The next stop was Canarvon, four hundred and forty kilometers further on. We skipped Monkey Mia, famous for its wild dolphins, and headed straight to the town, eager to stock up with supplies and fuel for the eighty three kilometer trip out to Quobba Station and the Red Bluff. The coastal town was silent on that Sunday. We parked in a quiet spot, out of the way but down by the water, and stayed the night. Tomorrow we would be heading out to one of the most remote and awe inspiring surf spots on the planet...
Surfing has its fair share of secrets. While the internet has eroded many of them, particularly break locations, the subtle ones remain. As a break is surfed, nature reveals her secrets to the surfer, slowly relinquishing them one by one, like a newfound lover. Those who surf a break frequently, who live in the area, often fiercely protect these secrets from outsiders, just as a lover would. This is known as “Localism.” World Class breaks that are close to high density populations particularly fit this category, and, even as my earlier posts have shown, pin point breaks like Cactus beach in remote South Australia still have this too.
To the true adventurer then, remoteness, and consistency of waves, stretched out over an extensive strip of wild and rugged coastline, where billions of stars glitter at night, and surfing camps are stretched out far across the long and forbidding coastline, this is living the dream.
As I’ve mentioned before, peak experiences like this can also be found in the mundane, but only if we learn to SEE the mundane differently. As I always relate every aspect of my view of life to Surfing and Buddhism through the concept of MIND SURFING my favorite coined expression is “MIND SURFER PRO-SEA YOURSELF DIFFERENTLY!”
“PRO” can mean many things. “Professional” or “Project” (as in this Blog project) or it can mean “Profound.” The core idea behind MIND SURFER PRO is to discover the profound, hidden in the mundane. To see (Sea) it! As I have said in previous posts, the mundane is not as it appears. The mundane is like natures trick on humans, a wall, like localism, designed to prevent us from breaking through and discovering all those other hidden secrets…
Next Post: Red Bluff- KING WAVES KILL!
「PRO」は多くのことを意味します。 「プロフェッショナル」または「プロジェクト」(このブログプロジェクトのように)または「深遠」を意味する場合があります。 MIND SURFER PROの真髄にあるのは、ありふれたものに隠された深遠なものを発見することです。 それを見る(sea/seeどちらも発音はシー)ために!以前の投稿で言ったように、ありふれたものは見た目どおりではなく、人間に対する自然が仕掛けたトリックのようなものなのです。ローカリズムのような壁もまた、私たちが隠された全ての秘密発見してしまうのを防ぐためための策なのだと私は思う…
次の投稿:Red Bluff- KING WAVES KILL!
The next morning we were back at the wreckers in Kempsey. We purchased heavy chains from them and hired their driver and a tow truck to go out and pick up the new engine from the farm and then deliver it to the bus. The driver was a very short, round, fat little man and I remember telling him that we were from Perth. "Where is that?" was all he said. Kempsey was certainly a small country town...
We put the chains on the old engine and after loosening all its bolts we dragged it out through the front end with the tow truck. The engine crashed into the gravel with a heavy thump and rolled on its side, the gaping hole staring up at us. HALFWAY THERE.
The next task was to get the new engine in. The tow truck driver, who had it suspended on his "A" Frame, backed it into the hole at the front of the bus and then released it. It was only half in, but it was a start. We paid him $150 and he departed, waving out the window as he headed back to Kempsey.
Now what? The new engine weighed around 500 pounds (over 200kg) it was going to take a miracle to shift it.
There was only one way we could do this. We dismantled part of the paddock fence, from the farm beside us and pulled the huge pole through the front end then lay it down in the isle. Then we put one end up on the top of the dashboard and connected it with the chains to the engine. We all got on the isle end of the pole and raised it. The engine swung forward a few inches and then stopped. We adjusted the chains on an angle again and repeated this leveraging action until the engine finally settled onto its mountings, a task which took us several hours.
Almost done. (Note: You can see the old engine laying in the grass at the front of the bus.)
We had now been on the side of this very busy rural road for four days. Sleeping was hard, the big passing transport trucks rocking the bus as they passed us late into the night. We couldn’t shower and so were starting to reek. Most of the time we showered at caravan parks or service stations and after discovering that Clybucca had one we took turns to go out there on the bike.
By day 6 Bazza, had connected everything up. We sat anxiously in anticipation, beers in hand for the big moment. "You boys ready for this?" said Bazza. He turned the key. The engine fired instantly and roared powerfully into life. HEAVEN!!! Everyone slapped Bazza on the back and we yelled and hooted like lunatics. Bazza was our savior! It had been a real team effort and for under $500 WE HAD DONE IT!
We stayed another day, repairing the fence and cleaning things up for the road ahead, little knowing that in Kempsey there would soon be more excitement to come...
If everything is handed to us without effort we resent it. Surfers for the most part feel good about themselves because they have been up for the challenge of learning. Every day, every wave, is a new chance to improve, to move forward, and say “I can do that.”
So it's the hardest parts of our life that define us. At the time we are going through such a test the most critical thing we can understand is that we should stop interpreting our negative vision of it.
No matter how horrible and frightening it may seem.
Imagine being the guy dropping down the face of a monster wave at Jaws, Maui, Hawaii…
This is the defining wave of your life. Either you will die or you will become legend. Which scenario should you envision as you make the drop?
Clearly not the first one!
Most of us would be helpless in such a situation. There is no time to think your way through this. Lets face it, anyone with the guts to be in such a position is already doing this automatically without thinking.
However we can analyze what is for them, instinctive and this can be used as a simple plan to move forward in your life, no matter what the difficulty.
1) Assess the situation,
2) Set objectives,
3) Move to meet them.
4) Repeat.
These are the four basic rules of thought that can propel you out of any situation and put you back in control.
In my mind at least, this is the powerful engine of MIND SURFING .
Next: The Mirror
A few kilometers out of Coffs Harbor, we said goodbye to the girls and headed off on the busy inland route to Kempsey, a rural town about one hundred kilometers away. About seventy five Kilometers in, with Spit Ball driving, we were going down a hill when suddenly there was a huge BANG! and smoke started pouring out from under the engine cover.
Fortunately the momentum from the hill allowed us to coast some distance until we finally came to rest on some flat ground just off the side of the road. OUR TIME HAD COME. NOW, MILES FROM ANYWHERE, WE WERE ABOUT TO BE TRULY TESTED!
It was about 3pm in the afternoon. Across the road to our right was a dark forest, to the left, rural farmland. We pulled off the engine cover and doused the motor with the fire extinguisher. There was no way it was going to start, but we tried. Bazza climbed underneath with his torch and gave a low whistle, then said "SH!T WE'RE STUFFED!!! There was a gaping hole, the size of a mans fist in the left hand side of the engine block! Bazza unscrewed the sump cover and half a conrod fell out. The other half had snapped off and shot out the side of the block, causing the hole.
We were STUNNED but PREPARED. Plan B was quickly put into effect. We checked the map. Only 5ks to Clybucca, a tiny service station miles from anywhere. At least that was something. Vegemite and Spit Ball headed out there on the bike to get some ice and gather intell, while Bazza and I set about cutting off the front "Kangaroo Bars" so that we could get the engine out.
A good idea at the time….
They returned just before nightfall. Someone had the great idea of putting the Kerosene lantern inside our safety cone and placing it back up the road so that the many approaching vehicles would see us sooner. Sometime in the night it caught fire and melted! (Fortunately no grass fire ensured).
The intell was that there was a wreckers in Kempsey. The next morning Vegemite and I headed out there on the bike. They had no International Engine for us but the good news was that they knew where one was. We were given directions to a farm about 7ks back in our original direction. We headed out there immediately and drove down a long winding dirt driveway until we got to the farm house. We knocked timidly on the door. It was lunch time and they were in.
After explaining our situation we were invited in for a cup of tea. The old farmer and his wife were gentle folks and his son was also keen to help us. A battered white courier van sat on the side of their driveway not far from the house. We all walked down together to inspect it. The motor was clean and in good condition.
"You can have it for $300" said the farmer. $300?!!! HAPENING!!! We were ELATED!, it was a younger, more powerful engine than the original. We paid cash and promised to return the next day to pick it up...
Just as an engine is the very heart of a vehicle, it is wind energy that drives the ocean swells, and spiritual energy that drives the beating heart of humanity.
All life can be boiled down to a single quest for finding energy. When the old systems fail the quest must go on. Perseverance and preparation are paramount.
So when the core of what drives us changes, when circumstances shift out of favor what should we do?
Stop Struggling.
Everything you need is within you. There is a world of resources within and without. Its all there, you just have to connect the dots…
The idea of “No Separation” specifically means “There IS no Separation” More to the point it means “No Separation from SOURCE”
Lets clarify this further. YOU are not separated from source! This is what I mean by “Everything you need is within you.” Untangle your heart from doubt. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop thinking about yourself. Think of others and widen your boundary, then you will find the space to move and breathe.
Above all, Stop interpreting your (bad) vision.
When you realize that it’s you against yourself you can subdue your mind and let the outside world resolve itself.
Don't try to figure your way through your circumstances.
Even if “the worst” happens,
Wait for opportunity,
You’ll Be OK.
Next: 7 days by the road.
コフスハーバー(Coffs Harbor)から何キロか行ったところで前回のブログで登場したヒッチハイカーの女性たちとお別れてし、ケンプシー(Kempsey)へと続く内陸の道を進むことにした。ケンプシーは100kmほど離れた田舎町だ。スピットボールの運転で、75kmほどすすんだところで、突然爆発音がして、バス前方のエンジンカバーから大量の煙が立った。
時は午後3時頃だったと思う。停車した位置から見て右手には暗い森、左手には無限に続く草原が広がっていた。 俺たちはエンジンカバーをひっぺがして、消火器をこれでもかとあてた。エンジンが復活するわけはなかったが、やるっきゃなかった。バッツァは様子を確認するために照明を片手にバスの下に潜り込んだ。彼は低い口笛を鳴らすと「こりゃお手上げだ!!!」とバッツァが叫んだ。
なんとエンジンブロックの左側面に拳大の穴が開いていたのだ。バッツァがネジを緩めると、 サンプカバーとコンロッドが半分ぽろっと取れてしまった。なんとコンロッドのもう半分が爆発の勢いで折れた拍子にエンジンブロックの側面を貫通し、穴が開いたのだった。
度肝を抜かれた俺たちだったが、準備はできていた。すぐにプランBを実行に移した。地図を見てみると、幸運なことに(クライブッカ) Clybuccaというへんぴな町から5kmほどの距離だった。ベジマイトとスピットボールはその町まで自転車で氷と情報を入手しに行っていている間に、俺とバッツァはエンジンを取り出すために、バスの前方についている「カンガルーバー」を外そうと試みた。
Somewhere between Lennox Heads and Coffs Harbor we picked up a couple of female hitchhikers. Illana, a small dark skinned Israeli girl and her big boobed German companion, Helga, were more than welcome. The bus was actually six berth, when the couches were used as beds, so there was plenty of room.
Its been said by many surfers that the only thing better than sex is surfing, so three of us, with girlfriends at home, were quite content, but after a day or two with our newfound attractive companions, Bazza, the odd man out, started to get a bit towy.
We danced all night
We all spent the night at Coffs Harbor, parking the bus a short distance from the local night club. After we all spent several hours there I returned to the bus to find our intoxicated friend making advances on a bewildered Illana.
It was all pretty natural, but after the girls had left we were for ever teasing Bazza about how he had lucked out on his quest to score. Even today, more than thirty years later, we often have a good laugh about it. BOYS WILL BE BOYS.
So what has Surfing and Buddhism got to do with sex? Quite a lot actually…
Lets cut to the chase. Sex is basically one form of excitement. Many non surfers will argue that it's the best form of excitement and of course different people from different cultures all will have their own opinions too. That's Okay.
…but In a strange twist however, both Buddhism and surfing go against this. Please let me explain…
Buddhism is all about Subduing the mind. Every single word you read or hear about Buddhism points to a way of subduing your mind. It's the same with surfing. Any surfer (who is reasonably good) will agree that slowing down ones mind and subduing it, while dropping down the face of an 8’ foot wave, is a very important thing to do.
Surfing, just like spirituality, requires poise, flexibility, calmness, awareness and instinct , but the novice surfer will almost always blow it on their first good wave simply because the excitement is too much. Your surfing can only continue to improve by following a subdued mindset.
Anyone who has ever been barreled will attest to the fact that everything seems to naturally slow down while inside the wave. The mind does this so that it can process more information to aid it in making better judgments. In fact getting barreled is actually about slowing the board down to the point where you actually reverse into the tube. You stall the board, drag your hands, do everything you can to reduce speed and let the hollow section of the wave catch up to you and cover you.
Do yourself a favor, thinking about this consciously and deliberately during all your surfing will be to your great advantage.
Slow Down. Subdue your mind. If you want to get better and improve your life and your surfing then this is the direction you need to take. In todays uncertain world who doesn’t need that?
Excitement is just natures way of causing us all to make critical judgments of error. In the past the young may have thrived on it, but in the future the wise will be weary of it. Just think of the steroid driven madness that has led the world to climate change.
Covid19 currently has the world thinking in a semi subdued state. As it worsens this thinking will deepen our spirituality. Our ability to change our way of thinking about ourselves, the world, and each other, should hopefully become more profound.
Ideally, we will eventually and collectively, connect with source.
No Separation.
Next Post: Blowing up the Engine
We eventually headed down the coast and stopped briefly at Byron Bay for a day before moving on a further twenty kilometers to Lennox Heads. The big swell, still persisting and Lennox- a world class reef break, was holding up nicely. Parking the bus at the top of the hill we grabbed our boards and made our way down the long stairs to the rocks below.
It was glassy, mostly four footers, with the occasional six foot sets rolling through. The walls formed a solid right hander, sweeping off the point along the reef towards the North. They were powerful waves and the locals were out, consistency allowing everyone to get their share.
After three hours we decided to come in. It was a little tricky. Although the waves were breaking onto sand the inside section was filled with thousands of big round, smooth, black, barnacle encrusted rocks.
Thinking I was the last, I came in and climbed the steep stairs to the top of the car park. Spit Ball and Bazza were already at the bus. "Where's Vegemite?" I enquired. "Still out I guess Ratty" said Bazza. "I didn't see him..." I said. Spit Ball and I moved closer to the cliff edge as Bazza appeared alongside us with a pair of binoculars. After focusing for a minute he started to laugh. "He's coming in...stuck on the rocks..."
He passed the binoculars to me. Vegemite loomed into focus, he was half out of the water, his blue board shorts just visible. Just then a big wave hit him and he was flung onto his back, his board flying. Then he disappeared. After what seemed like ages, he reappeared, deeper among the rock boulders but closer to the shore. He was tugging frantically at his leg rope which seemed to be stuck on a rock. Another wave hit him and once again he disappeared from view. "Jesus! Get out of there!" It was no laughing matter, those rocks were sharp and if you struck your head on one you could easily pass out.
I refocused on the shore. His board had come in but I couldn’t see him. I followed the sweep of the water to the North and then, miraculously, there he was, clambering like a mad man over the now exposed black boulders. Blood was streaming down his back and arms and even his legs seemed to have cuts. "Better get out the antiseptic" I said. "He's gonna need it."
Suffering in the “Sea of Illusion” as Buddhism puts it, can really suck. Most of this suffering comes from our total ignorance of the conceptual world we live in. We forget that almost all things are just representations and labels and we let these define our story, our reality. Such is the manner of convention.
Yet what emerges from this mass of confusion, and floats above it all like a surfboard, is Compassion. This is why it makes much more sense to think about others rather than think about our small limited selves. By directing our thoughts away from our selves and onto helping others we open up our own self boundary and this expands our consciousness and being.
As open as the cloudless blue sky surrounding me, I sit on my board and wait for a wave to take me home…
Time stands still. The swell rolling in from eternity…
The past folding in on the future…
No Separation,
The Buddhist notion of "Self Cherishing" is very important for a couple of reasons. The first is that "feeling sorry for yourself" is the very basis of all our concerns and worries. I have repeatedly found that when I put a problem up against the notion of "self cherishing" then it will often dissolve itself.
Surfing is like this. Have you ever tried to paddle out to the back of the break in huge surf? Even if you do everything right it may be very hard to get out there. Under these circumstances feeling sorry for yourself is just not going to work. To get out there you have to open your mind and try again. You cant focus on the suffering because that just makes it worse, you must focus on emptying your mind of everything but the actual vision of yourself resting just beyond the break zone.
When we take our focus off the notion of self, we enter a dimension of increased energy. Whatever you focus on other than self, that's the flow zone. This is why the best form of mental health is to help others around you and why ridding the face of a powerful wave is so fulfilling. Transcendence is when we become life itself..., just simply "being".
Next up: The Hitch Hikers
Cooloola National Park, now called "Cooloola Recreation Area" is located between Noosa Heads and Rainbow beach in Queensland. Heading North, it is one of the very last places that you can find good surf in QLD, but on the day we arrived there was none.
After an extensive search, we turned the bus around for the very first time and pointed our noses in the direction of home. We had been on the road for over two months and the bus had done us proud. We had driven more than five and a half thousand kilometers without so much as a flat tyre. We were confident and complacent, but all that was about to change...
Kirra, going off…!!!
A tropical storm had been approaching out at sea. We hunkered down that night at the next caravan park. It turned out to be one of the most violent storms I have ever experienced. The night air was filled with consistent flashes of brilliant forked lightning, booming and crackling as the storm approached us. It raged all night and by morning it was gone.
All that is, except the swell. We headed back down the coast but this time we stopped off at many of the breaks around the boarder between Queensland and New South Wales. Surfers Paradise, Burleigh Heads, Currumbin, Kirra, Snapper Rocks, Rainbow Bay, Duranbah...they were all GOING OFF!!!
There was no wind and it was very hot. It was a holiday period and the area was buzzing with tourists which made parking very difficult for a vehicle of our size.
But it was worth it. Four to six feet at most beaches. In 1987 the breaks were not as crowded as they often are today, but even so there were a lot of locals out in the water. Even the Pro's were out. We surfed until we could surf no more and then we went out again. It was a surfers dream...
I didn’t know it at the time, but I would eventually return here, and spend the best five years of my surfing life just soaking it up. (To be chronicled in my next Blog!)
The beaches on the East Coast, like many around Australia are beautiful. Pearly white glistening sand. When you paddle out in off shore conditions the surface of the water is like glass. As you paddle you can look down onto the white sandy bottom and see the fish swimming below you. When you catch a wave and ride it its like being in an airplane. As the water is so totally clear its often impossible to see the surface and this gives the impression of flying over a mystical landscape.
A 300 meter ride is not uncommon in such ideal conditions, which is often. The sweep at some breaks can be difficult though and sometimes, like at Kirra, you can spend all your time paddling to just try and stay positioned in the line up. Mostly on those days you only have to catch one wave though and it can be the ride of your life.
Peak experiences in life are what all surfers live for and this brings me right back to the mundane. The mundane is exactly that, mundane, largely because it goes unconsidered. Its Unconsidered simply because we grow up with it. We have seen it, or so we think…
This is where it all begins, this “sea of illusion” as Buddhism puts it. Conventional reality has us looking in a different direction, a direction away from the mundane life. What if the mundane was actually KEY? Illusion, caused by the fact that we had looked so hard and long at it that we had become blind to its hidden secrets? As if it was a wall blocking us from seeing a hidden dimension? As I’ve repeatedly said in past posts, nothing is actually what it seems…
Humans have labeled everything, grown up with those labels, and then proceeded to ignored them. The mundane is really just a form of ignorance.
So the words “Mundane” and “Ignorance” go hand in hand. The very failure to see this is what fuels the “sea of Illusion.” What has all this conceptualizing been based on? Buddhism calls it a (shifting) sea, for a reason. Is it any wonder now that what we are witnessing is “Conventional Reality” drifting apart?
Surfers are free spirits. Touched by natures mysterious secrets. We are used to shifting seas, currents of change, uncertainty, unpredictability and unstable conditions. These parallel secrets also lie hidden deep within the mundane life.
I say Don't stop looking. Where there is one secret there are many…
We are all here to learn.
Next post: Blood Bath!
しかし、本当に駐車場探しを頑張った甲斐があったと思わせてくれる波がそこにあった。そこだけではなく、ほとんどのビーチで4〜6フィート(1〜1.8m強)の最高の波が俺たちを迎えてくれた。 1987年頃はこんにち程、海は混雑していなかったが、それでも当時にしては多くの地元の人々が海に出ていた。プロサーファーを見かけることもざらだった時代だ。疲労困憊のピークまでサーフィンして、体力が回復次第また海へ繰り出す生活を俺たちは繰り返した。それはまさにサーファーの夢のような生活だった...
当時は知る由もなかったが、俺は後々ここに戻って、サーフィン人生で最高の5年間を過ごす事になる。 (それについては次のブログで書きます!)
Not even a bite…
We took our little boat "S.S. Snubby" out once more along the shores of Northern New South Wales. It was a hot day as we putted parallel to the beach, trailing lures.
There were plenty of Red Lobsters on the beach, tanning themselves in coconut oil and sipping cola. Not a bite. Not even a nibble. We reeled the lines back in and after beaching the boat we hoisted it back up, upside-down, into its wind breaking position at the very front of the roof rack. ALL SET. It was time to move on to the next town.
Vegemite was driving and we were almost out of fuel, he was also busting for a leak but the piss bottle had been thrown out with the last garbage. We checked the map "Just another ten kilometers to the next servo (service station)" said Spit Ball "Will probably piss himself before then!" chimed in Bazza.
Right after Snubby hit the station roof.
Vegemite floored it. The station was within sight, the "BP" sign clearly visible among the trees. But as we pulled in, Vegemite in his haste, miss-judged the lower height of the canopy roof. The front end of Snubby was the first to connect with it and it crumpled the boat like matchwood, striking the corner of the roof with a tearing CRUNCH!
Onlookers were staring. The station roof was also damaged. The owner came out. "Not the first time." he said. "Insurance should cover it" We had gotten off lightly...
Buddhists talk about life as “The Boat of Compassion in the Sea of Illusion.” We had broken our boat but somehow it seemed OK. We were done with it. It had served its purpose and satisfied our need for some extra variety in our activities.
By now most of you coming to read this blog will have noted that the second half of each post is all about my own personal life philosophy as it relates to surfing. I call this philosophy MIND SURFING, and its basis mainly rests on Buddhist principles.
If you are wondering just how I came up with this three way combination, its really quite simple. In my minds eye I simply replaced “The boat of Compassion” with a surfboard!
In Buddhist terms “The boat of compassion in the sea of illusion” means that a great deal of this life, much of what we think we know, is actually illusion and that this is what brings about our suffering, confusion and hardships. According to Buddhists this illusion is caused by an overriding sense of separation between self and the world. “The boat of compassion” can then be interpreted as meaning the “attitude that enlightened people take to help others.” The interesting thing is that there is actually no one in the boat. “Self” IS the boat, which is why I suggest with MIND SURFING that you make self into the surfboard, and mind the wave. The flow of life then becomes this interaction and relationship between the surfboard and the wave, Self and mind.
Im sure some of you will think that what I’m saying is a little crazy, and I’m fine with that, but lets not stop there because there is more of my life philosophy to come!
The next thing I want to introduce to you is a MIND SURFER . These are the little individual surfboards that I make and sell on this website. In future posts I will be covering the design aspects of all the different types boards that you can collect and I will also explain, in a relative way, how each type can be used for different styles of MIND SURFING.
The symbol of a surfboard is something that has totally set me free. I feel unbelievably blessed to have come across both Surfing and Buddhism in my life so infusing the two together through the concept of Mind Surfing is naturally something that greatly inspires me. It allows me to explore most deeply what it means to be a surfer (regardless of nationality) and of how both can be used to better understand the meaning of life, make it better, happier, and free. By sharing this perspective with you I hope you will come to see the limitless possibilities that make us all, as surfers, truly free spirits.
All of us together constitute a Global Surf Tribe. As members of this tribe we all eventually come to have a deep respect and admiration for the ocean. We do battle, with others, nature's energy, and ourselves. On many days we may surf for fun, but we also surf to forget. The ocean cleans us both physically and mentally by helping us to let go and go with the flow. It is not just that we are in the ocean, but that the ocean is in us. We are the flow…
Please Stay Tuned! In my next post the Epic Surf really begins to pump!
第7章で紹介した俺たちの愛船「S. S. Snubby/エス・エス・スナビー」を久々に引っ張り出してニューサウスウェールズ北部の海岸に降ろした。とにかく暑い日だったので、その日はスナビーに乗り込んで海岸に平行につけながらルアーを垂らしてゆっくり過ごした。
スピットボール 「地図を確認したところ、次のサービスエリアまでまだ10キロもあるぞ。」
仏教用語である「幻想の海にいる思いやりの船」を噛み砕いて説明すると、“私たちが知っていると思っている多くの事柄は、実際には幻想であり、これが私たちの苦しみ、混乱、苦難をもたらしている”ということなのです。仏教徒によると、この幻想は、自身と周りを取り囲む環境との解離によって引き起こされます。 「思いやりの船」は、「悟りを開いた人々が他の人を助けるために取る態度」を意味すると解釈することができます。興味深いのは、実際にはボートに誰も乗船していないということです。この場合の 「セルフ」とはボートそのものだからです。つまり、マインドサーフィングでは自分自身をサーフボードに見立てて波に乗ることをイメージするのです。これにより人生とは、サーフボードと波、自己と心の間のこの相互作用となります。
We surfed a lot of beaches in Northern New South Wales. By this time our game plan and routine were always the same. On the bad weather days, we would travel, heading towards the next most promising surf spot. We would aim to arrive there at night, pulling into the local pub (hotel) car park above the surf break and spending the evening drinking and playing pool while eliciting any information we could from the locals. By ten or eleven pm we would stagger back to the bus and set our alarms for first light before crashing for the night. On most occasions, we would be the first in the water for our early morning surf, and by the time the locals turned up we would have a full understanding of the break conditions and how to best surf it.
The best way to mix with locals is to drink with them…
It was a standard routine over the weeks and months that followed, which was occasionally broken by the odd park ranger knocking on our door, in the early hours to move us on. (Most authorities do not like late-night strangers in their car parks) On most of these occasions however we just lay like mice in our beds, curtains drawn, pretending that the bus was empty! "I know you bast@rds are in there!" one ranger once shouted in frustration, in his Scottish accent, before storming off. CLASSIC DAYS.
When we think of surfing in the classic sense, we naturally think of the '60s. The Golden Era when surfing was still relatively young in Australia. In Japan, it is still young and has not gone, nor may ever go, mainstream. In the world today there are approximately 15 countries where surfing is truly world-class.
Some of these include…
California (USA), Spain, Indonesia, France, Micronesia, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, England, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines.
Some countries only have a few world-class breaks, others have many. Yet for each break, there is, there is the challenge of mastering change. Very few breaks produce identical waves to each other. Similar perhaps, but certainly not identical. Mastering change is woven into the very fabric of surfing.
So why is it that we humans have the tendency to resist change so strongly? Once we master something it’s easier to do, life is great, and we want those circumstances to continue. We want certainty, security, and the belief in ourselves.
Surfing is not like that.
Flow is an unceasing change. Every day brings new conditions, new types of waves, shifting sands, tides, swells, locations, board types, designs.
A local reef break may become somewhat predictable to a seasoned surfer, but that takes years and in most cases, he is moving around to different breaks within the same area. My point being surfers get subjected to nothing but constant change and so we have to be prepared for it, to face up to it, to accept it simply as the core part of what we do. It is this challenge, along with the absolute privilege of being connected to nature and each other that makes surfing so great.
Next Post: Smashing the boat!
これが数週間、数ヶ月と続いた俺たちのスタンダードなルーチンになった。しかし、このルーチンを邪魔するパークレンジャーが時々現れては早朝にドアをガツガツと叩いてバスを移動させるよう命令してくるのだ (残念ながら夜通し停めている車を取り締まる管理者もいるのが現実だ) こんな状況に追い込まれた時、決まって俺たちは沈黙を貫いて静かにベッドに横たわり、カーテンをかたく閉めて、バスの中の生命の有無を悟られないように隠し通すのだった!あるレンジャーはそんな俺たちに痺れを切らして「このやろう!中にいるのはわかってるんだぞ!」と捲し立てて、ついにはその場を後にした。若いって本当に無敵!
It was a perfect Sunday as we pulled the bus up and parked it at the top of the hill overlooking Bondi Beach. There were many people about enjoying the last day of their weekend. Just as we had stepped out of the bus and locked the door behind us this weird looking dood appeared from nowhere. He stared at us intently and raised his right hand towards us. There was a metallic clicking sound as a flick knife blade suddenly shot out of its handle. "I'll stick you mother fu@kers!" he shouted. I looked at Spit Ball who just shrugged. We all walked off. "Who was that Ratty?" said Bazza. "Someone who obviously thinks he's Crocodile Dundee" I quipped. Aggggh! SYDNEY!!! we had arrived...
Vegemite had some friends in Sydney so after fish and chips on the grass at Bondi we headed off in the bus to pay them a visit. By the time we arrived there was a party in full swing. It was relatively uneventful, but I remember one guy in particular, a friend of the host, sitting alone with his guitar. He was playing a lonely song, "Sitting on the dock of the bay" by Otis Redding. His voice ringing loudly out above the other music "...looks like nothings gonna change...sittin on the dock of the bay, wasting time..."
Those words certainly weren’t lost on me. Several months after that I found out from Vegemite that he had committed suicide...
Not the most welcoming of visitors…
Buddhism suggests that we all “Die before we die.” This does not mean we commit suicide but rather that we “die to the inner self” before our body actually ceases to live. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and many of us may reach a point where we think of ourselves so much that it becomes difficult to bear. In the world today, thinking of the self, especially from a Western point of view seems like the only choice available. However other Cultures, like Japan, are clearly much more group orientated.
When it comes to surfing, unofficially, there is the “Global Surf Tribe.” Perhaps you have never heard or thought of us as a global group, but all surfers belong to this group. Every one of us on this surfing planet, male or female, young or old earn membership into this group once we learn to surf. It's a privilege, its an honor and its real.
The Global Surf Tribe is nothing short of awesome! Where ever, or how ever you travel in search of waves you can make new friends with like minded people. Yes, Covid may have stopped us all jumping on airplanes but the internet is just getting started! Thinking globally instead of individually is the perfect cure for a rock hard head. Remember, life (you) are FLOW. You are movement, not stagnation. Movement is life, change is life. As the surfer moves along the face of the wave, every moment is change, the surfer becomes that change, he becomes the flow of life.
Is it actually possible to become less separate from nature than this?
Could it be that surfers are the closest group of people to nature on the planet? Is it that we are uniquely special in this way? Is what makes surfing truly special, in fact this very link with nature? Like being tethered by an unseen umbilical chord to the planet?
Most of you will agree with me that it is, but how often do we take this deeply with us into our daily lives? As I’ve said before, its all relative. We can connect with nature in many simple different ways in our daily life other than surfing.
Tom Carroll once told me that “Nature is the source of all energy.” Obvious to me now, but none the less profound. In my mind it is surfers who need to be leading the global charge to a greener more sustainable planet. We, more than others understand this need …
Next Post: Surfing Routine…
「ぶっ刺して殺してやる!」彼は叫んだ。ふと横を見るとSpit Ballは肩をすくめていた。俺たちはすぐさまその場を立ち去り、今の出来事について一言二言会話をしながら歩き始めた。
Just before Sydney we stopped for the night in Coogee, a beachside suburb only eight km from the city center. There was nowhere to park that Saturday night so we just stopped on the verge outside a normal residential house.
In the morning I was under the bus changing the engine oil when a pair of legs in uniform appeared alongside. "Anyone home?" I poked my head out from underneath. It was a cop. "Sure" I replied "How can I help you?" Vegemite thrust his head out the window. "You boys shouldn’t really be parked here" he said. "Sorry, just a little maintenance and we will be on our way..." "Mind if I check her out?" said the cop. "Be our guest" said Spit Ball, opening the door in a welcoming gesture.
The cop stepped inside. "You do all this yourself?" he asked. "Sure did!" "W.A. plates..." said the cop. "You boys from Perth?" "Absolutely" said Bazza, climbing out of his bunk. The cop turned and faced the front of the bus, he peered intently at the registration sticker on the top left hand side of the windscreen. There was a pause. "You boys have a nice day" was all he said. "Yes Sir!!! We breathed a sigh of relief as he got in his car and drove off...
Most of us know the difference between right and wrong. However, there is also a grey area in the middle. Your brain. Some people may say that “laws should be obeyed to the letter” or the opposite, “laws are meant to be broken”. Which is reality? If you are standing on the side of a quiet country road and the walk signal is red but you cant see any traffic for miles in either direction, would you wait patiently or cross without waiting?
When you are faced with making decisions, instead of thinking reality is one way or the other, consider the possibility of the grey area, the third option, the middle path. The middle path has a lot to do with surfing. The middle path is the key factor between what makes a ride, poor, good or great. Please let me explain….
As Surfing and life both primarily involve energy in flow, a key understanding is the idea of harmony. Not too strong, not to soft, but somewhere in between. This is the middle way. The middle way keeps everything in balance and is what allows the flow to keep on flowing. Being in harmony with your own life is just like riding a wave well. Decisions based on “The middle way” put you in the drivers seat, the sweet spot, or the ZONE because it allows opposite forces to balance each other out.
Life is meant to be lived and none of us know when we may die, but it's a sure bet that you can go a long way simply by basing most, or all, of your future decisions on the middle way. Of course, life is situational, so this won’t be the case every time, but finding harmony (peace of mind) is like coming to the end of that jungle track and finding yourself face to face with an off shore pumping reef break and nobody out. Just you and your buddies in perfect conditions, sun on your face, wind in your hair and a good wave under your board.
Next Post: Flick Knife!
俺 「すみません…少々メンテナンスで立ち往生しているんです。終わり次第出発しますので…」と返すと
Spit Ball「もちろん構いませんよ。」と言いながら彼は歓迎のジェスチャーと共にドアを開け放った。
全員 「もちろんです!」
Bazza 「そうです」と彼は二段ベッドから登りながら言った。
警官 「君たち、良い1日を」とだけ言い残してバスを下車した。
サーフィンと人生はどちらも主に流れの中のエネルギーを伴うので、重要なのは調和をとることです。強すぎず、柔すぎず、中間のいい塩梅の力加減を狙うのです。これが中道です。中道はすべてのバランスを保ち、流れ続けることを可能にします。自分の人生調和を保つことは、波にうまく乗るようなものです。 「中道」に基づく判断を行うことによって自分自身を人生の運転席に置きゾーン(スイートスポット)に入るのです。このスイートスポットは相反する力が互いにバランスを取り合うステータスなのです。