C.O.D. Available!
“the history of surfing”
ザ・ヒストリー・オブ・サーフィン シリーズ “Debut 2021”
No.: “HS-D21”
価格:$2200 オーストラリアドル~
「数年前より、インテリアとして額に入ったミニチュアボードプレートを探していましたが、現在販売中のものは見つからず、TOKYO2020 メモリアルプレート(ミニチュアボードプレート)も内容の割には50万円以上もするものに手を出す気も起こらず半ば諦めかけていました。
この作品は、自分の一生の宝物として、そして、自分が駆け抜けた青春の証として、生涯大切にしていきたいと考えています。(Mr. Y. Osada. 神奈川県)」
Mr. Nの新築のお宅に飾っていただいております “ザ・ヒストリー・オブ・サーフィン”
「20年以上前にNaluに掲載されていた "the history of surfing”をタッチの差で手に入れそびれてしまい、以降ハワイやオーストラリアでも同様の作品を探しましたが、記憶の中のあの作品に敵う物とは出会えないまま20年以上が経っていました。この度、Surf Style Catalogに掲載されていた “the history of surfing ~Debut 21~”を見て、購入を決意しました。実物を目の前にして完成度の高さに驚くとともに、思い描いていた作品に25年振りに会えて感激し、本当に待った甲斐があったと思いました。(Mr. N.N. 埼玉県)」
the history of surfing series “Debut 2021”
No.: “HS-D21”
Finally we can offer you an affordable miniature surfboard historic kit. You will be able to see the change in the board shapes and materials since the 1900s. Human beings could have been riding the waves even before 1900s but let’s assume that it has begun in 1900, this means surfing has been around for more than 120 years. This kit is to commemorate the debut of Surfing in the Olympics. How will surfing change in the future? How will surfing be 100 years from now?
This product will be a good discussion starter with your friends, customers, or your child.
OR as a cool video conference background piece.
Board builder “Ratty” (Rob Mathews), hand written serial number “Certificate of Authenticity”.
LIMITED EDITION. Quickly put in your order! (International enquiries welcome.)
Price: $2200 AUD~
Scale 1/16
Size: 64cm×84cm×5cm
Weight: Approx. 4.5KG
Highest quality wood frame, Acrylic Board
This product is made to order (handmade,) may take several months.
Actual kit will have variations on the actual picture shown.
If you wish to change any of the boards in the kit, please be aware that the Custom Order Pricing (the price will depend on the degree of customization) will apply instead of the above set price. Please note that Ratty may not always be able to take your customized order.
This Kit uses Authentic Materials
(Methods of applying graphics may differ)
“ I had been looking for a miniature surfboard interior kit since forever, but I had no luck in finding a kit that was currently for sale, nor affordable. That was when I found Rob’s kit through the internet. I was astonished by the look of the kit and the fact that I could customise the product. There was no doubt in putting in an order. It was like a dream knowing that I could insert the board that carried tons of memories from my young days.
At first I thought I might be frustrated longing for the completion of the kit. However, those worries blew away, since Rob sent me an update of the kit every now and then. I could feel Rob’s soul and my soul both be embedded in this kit. I really enjoyed the whole process.
My board was replicated amazingly, although it is a miniature version, I could vision the ocean in my memory in the background of the replica.
This masterpiece is going to be my lifelong treasure, and I am sure that I will cherish this memorabilia of my youth. (Mr. Y. Osada, Kanagawa Prefecture) ”
“ After just missing out on his original kit, I waited almost 25 years to REUNITE with that piece of ART. Fortunately, I was the first to buy the Debut 21 version and I have to say that the quality of the work did not disappoint my long-standing expectations. I am glad to have made this purchase and have since re-ordered further work. Some things are worth waiting for. (Mr. N. N. Saitama Prefecture)”
“the history of surfing” showcased in Mr. N’s newly build house.