It was a perfect Sunday as we pulled the bus up and parked it at the top of the hill overlooking Bondi Beach. There were many people about enjoying the last day of their weekend. Just as we had stepped out of the bus and locked the door behind us this weird looking dood appeared from nowhere. He stared at us intently and raised his right hand towards us. There was a metallic clicking sound as a flick knife blade suddenly shot out of its handle. "I'll stick you mother fu@kers!" he shouted. I looked at Spit Ball who just shrugged. We all walked off. "Who was that Ratty?" said Bazza. "Someone who obviously thinks he's Crocodile Dundee" I quipped. Aggggh! SYDNEY!!! we had arrived...
Vegemite had some friends in Sydney so after fish and chips on the grass at Bondi we headed off in the bus to pay them a visit. By the time we arrived there was a party in full swing. It was relatively uneventful, but I remember one guy in particular, a friend of the host, sitting alone with his guitar. He was playing a lonely song, "Sitting on the dock of the bay" by Otis Redding. His voice ringing loudly out above the other music "...looks like nothings gonna change...sittin on the dock of the bay, wasting time..."
Those words certainly weren’t lost on me. Several months after that I found out from Vegemite that he had committed suicide...
Not the most welcoming of visitors…
Buddhism suggests that we all “Die before we die.” This does not mean we commit suicide but rather that we “die to the inner self” before our body actually ceases to live. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and many of us may reach a point where we think of ourselves so much that it becomes difficult to bear. In the world today, thinking of the self, especially from a Western point of view seems like the only choice available. However other Cultures, like Japan, are clearly much more group orientated.
When it comes to surfing, unofficially, there is the “Global Surf Tribe.” Perhaps you have never heard or thought of us as a global group, but all surfers belong to this group. Every one of us on this surfing planet, male or female, young or old earn membership into this group once we learn to surf. It's a privilege, its an honor and its real.
The Global Surf Tribe is nothing short of awesome! Where ever, or how ever you travel in search of waves you can make new friends with like minded people. Yes, Covid may have stopped us all jumping on airplanes but the internet is just getting started! Thinking globally instead of individually is the perfect cure for a rock hard head. Remember, life (you) are FLOW. You are movement, not stagnation. Movement is life, change is life. As the surfer moves along the face of the wave, every moment is change, the surfer becomes that change, he becomes the flow of life.
Is it actually possible to become less separate from nature than this?
Could it be that surfers are the closest group of people to nature on the planet? Is it that we are uniquely special in this way? Is what makes surfing truly special, in fact this very link with nature? Like being tethered by an unseen umbilical chord to the planet?
Most of you will agree with me that it is, but how often do we take this deeply with us into our daily lives? As I’ve said before, its all relative. We can connect with nature in many simple different ways in our daily life other than surfing.
Tom Carroll once told me that “Nature is the source of all energy.” Obvious to me now, but none the less profound. In my mind it is surfers who need to be leading the global charge to a greener more sustainable planet. We, more than others understand this need …
Next Post: Surfing Routine…
「ぶっ刺して殺してやる!」彼は叫んだ。ふと横を見るとSpit Ballは肩をすくめていた。俺たちはすぐさまその場を立ち去り、今の出来事について一言二言会話をしながら歩き始めた。