At the time of our trip, in 1987, Spit Ball, who I think was the youngest out of all of us, had the least driving experience. Vegemite and I had driven a few farm trucks, and clearly Bazza, being a mechanic, had driven his fair share too. Spit Ball was the only one without his motor bike license.
One sunny afternoon, somewhere in South Australia, Spit Ball was driving (the bus). We were barreling along a narrow road when into sight came a red suspension bridge. As we came closer we could see that it was perched quite high above the river and that although it was a two lane bridge it was quite narrow. As we approached at full speed a huge, two trailer ROAD TRAIN entered the bridge at the same time from the other end. This was going to be interesting.
Bazza, in the front passenger seat looked at Spit Ball expectedly, but Spit Ball seemed oblivious to the oncoming danger. As the two vehicles approached each other towards the middle of the bridge the combined speed, according to Bazza was likely around 180kph!
Now no one is to say if it was good or bad driving, but Vegemite who was in his bunk at the time of passing, reckons that the bridge railing was flashing past at the distance of only 3 inches!!! It was a close call, but in our next incidence with a truck on a bridge we would not be so lucky...
The Actual Bridge was not much wider than this one…
Driving a vehicle is a bit like riding a surfboard. Going with the flow means that you are constantly having to change your speed according to the prevailing conditions. When the wave is fast you have to keep up with it otherwise it will outrun you. When the wave is slow you have to keep turning back into the pocket where the most power is.
There are other similarities. For instance, a vehicle, like a bus can be big, slow and heavy, just like a longboard (Malibu) or it can be short, light and fast, like a shortboard. Shortboards are like sports cars. Some of the most popular surfboard designs today fit somewhere in between. A “Fish” design for example is short, like a sports car, but wide, like a bus, in the nose. This allows the rider both speed and floatation.
Unlike a vehicle however, it is easier to start out on a bigger surfboard because it is much more stable in the water, its easier to catch a wave and its easier to stand up for the very first time. You wouldn’t drive a bus the first time you commanded a vehicle simply because you need to match your equipment with your ability. Two wheeled vehicles like motor bikes also require a certain speed range to maintain balance, just like a surfboard.
Your life is the same. You have to be constantly moving forward to maintain balance. Going slow is fine, but If you stop you fall over, so you have to be constantly turning back to the source of power (your heart) for direction and speed. Stepping away from this is like flicking off the wave (or crashing your vehicle).
Next Post: The Cop!
1987年に旅をしていた当時、 俺たちの中で最年少で、最も運転の経験が少なかったSpit Ballがバスを運転していた。既にVegemiteと俺、設備系のBazzaも相当な距離を運転していたな中でSpit Ballだけがバイクの免許も持っていなかった。
ある晴れた昼下がり、スピットボールが運転するバスに乗車した俺たちは南オーストラリアのどこかを走行していた。細い道を進んでいると前方に赤い吊り橋が見えてきた。近づくについて次第にその全貌が見えてきた。片側1車線の幅員の狭い吊り橋が川を跨るようにあり、その位置は随分と高所であった。かなりのスピードで吊り橋に突っ込むSpit Ball…我々が橋に差し掛かると同時に反対車線から2連の貨物トラックがやってくるのが見えた。これは面白くなるぞ。
助手席に座っていたBazzaはこの危機的状況を察知して、Spit Ballに視線をやった。けれどもSpit Ballはこのピンチを全く理解していないようだった。2台の車両はそのまま前進を続け、橋の中央に差し掛かる頃には両車両の速度の相乗効果でBazza曰く時速180kmにもなっていた!
バンクベッドに横になっていたVegemiteによると2台の車体がすれ違った時、その車間は10cmもなかったそうだ!!! またこんな状況に遭遇したくはないが、万が一次回があったとしたら今回のように回避することはできないだろう…
他にも類似している点が存在します。例えばバスは大きく、重量感がありスピードも出にくいですよね。サーフィンで例えるとロングボード(マリブー)、ショートボードはスポーツカーの様です。ショートボードはロングボートとは違い、短く、軽く、そして速度が出ます。近年流行りのボードはこれらの中間くらいに位置します。例を挙げるとすれば “Fish”デザインはスポーツカーのように短いですが、バスの頭部分の様にノーズに幅があります。これによりスピードも出しつつ浮力も抜群なボードになるのです。